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Garten of Banban 4 cover image

Price comparison for Garten of Banban 4 on Switch

Below you will find the latest prices, deals and bargains for Garten of Banban 4 on the Nintendo Switch in Australia. Every couple of hours we check the latest prices for all games. All the prices are in AUD and most stores are all in Australia. Shipping isn't included.

Description: Explore the abandoned levels of Banban’s Kindergarten. Survive the residents of the establishment that was left suspiciously empty. Uncover the truth behind the place, and find the whereabouts of your missing child…

Release date: Tuesday 25 June 2024
Also on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
title store $ price scraped time
Deals found for Garten of Banban 4
Garten of Banban 4 $11.99 Sunday 13:03 PM
1 week ago
Garten of Banban Bundle: 3 + 4 $20.99 Sunday 13:03 PM
1 month ago
Garten of Banban Bundle: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 $29.99 Sunday 13:04 PM
1 month ago
Garten of Banban 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 + 7 $54.99 Sunday 13:03 PM
4 weeks ago