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Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven cover image

Price comparison for Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven on Switch

Below you will find the latest prices, deals and bargains for Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven on the Nintendo Switch in Australia. Every couple of hours we check the latest prices for all games. All the prices are in AUD and most stores are all in Australia. Shipping isn't included.

Description: Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven is a full remake of the groundbreaking non-linear RPG Romancing SaGa 2, which originally launched in Japan in 1993. Embark on an adventure featuring both new and classic SaGa franchise features, complete with Japanese and English voiceovers, original and rearranged compositions, and much more! This is an ideal entry point for new players and provides an amped-up experience for longtime fans.

Release date: Thursday 24 October 2024
Also on PlayStation 4, PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch
title store $ price scraped time
Deals found for Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven
Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven $79.95 Tuesday 08:03 AM
3 months ago
Romancing Saga 2: Revenge of the Seven $84.95 Tuesday 08:02 AM
1 month ago