Aussie video game price drops |

Assassin's Creed Shadows cover image

Price comparison for Assassin's Creed Shadows on PS5

Below you will find the latest prices, deals and bargains for Assassin's Creed Shadows on the PlayStation 5 in Australia. Every couple of hours we check the latest prices for all games. All the prices are in AUD and most stores are all in Australia. Shipping isn't included.

Description: Experience an epic historical action-adventure story set in feudal Japan! Become a lethal shinobi Assassin and a powerful legendary samurai as you explore a beautiful open world in a time of chaos. Switch seamlessly between two unlikely allies as you discover their common destiny. Master complementary playstyles, create your shinobi league, customize your hideout, and usher in a new era for Japan.

Release date: Friday 14 February 2025
Also on PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, iOS, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
title store $ price scraped time
Deals found for Assassin's Creed Shadows
Assassin's Creed: Shadows $79.00 Thursday 18:00 PM
4 months ago
Assassin's Creed Shadows Limited Edition $89.00 Thursday 18:00 PM
3 weeks ago
Assassin's Creed Shadows $89.00 Thursday 18:00 PM
3 months ago