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Cult of the Lamb cover image

Price comparison for Cult of the Lamb on Xbox Series X|S

Below you will find the latest prices, deals and bargains for Cult of the Lamb on the Xbox Series X|S in Australia. Every couple of hours we check the latest prices for all games. All the prices are in AUD and most stores are all in Australia. Shipping isn't included.

Description: Cult of the Lamb casts players in the role of a possessed lamb saved from annihilation by an ominous stranger, and must repay their debt by building a loyal following in his name. Start your own cult in a land of false prophets, venturing out into diverse and mysterious regions to build a loyal community of woodland worshippers and spread your Word to become the one true cult.

Release date: Thursday 11 August 2022
Also on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 5, Mac, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
title store $ price scraped time
Deals found for Cult of the Lamb
Cult of the Lamb $37.45 Tuesday 18:03 PM
2 weeks ago
Cult of the Lamb: Unholy Edition $67.45 Tuesday 18:03 PM
2 months ago