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Synduality: Echo of Ada cover image

Price comparison for Synduality: Echo of Ada on Xbox Series X|S

Below you will find the latest prices, deals and bargains for Synduality: Echo of Ada on the Xbox Series X|S in Australia. Every couple of hours we check the latest prices for all games. All the prices are in AUD and most stores are all in Australia. Shipping isn't included.

Description: You and an AI mech named Magus explore a dystopian landscape in the year 2222. A catastrophic poisonous rain event known as Tears of the New Moon nearly eradicated the human race — survivors fled to the underground city of Amasia. To survive, the player character known as a “Drifter” must sell AO Crystals, which can only be harvested from the polluted outside world. To travel, you’ll drive around in a vehicle called the Cradle Coffin, which you can customize. The game will also have a unique PvP option, wherein playing online will support encounters with others plays on their own missions - you might collide head to head while trying to gather precious supplies

Release date: Thursday 16 January 2025
Also on Xbox Series X|S, PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 5
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Deals found for Synduality: Echo of Ada
SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada $54.95 Tuesday 10:03 AM
2 weeks ago
SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada Deluxe Edition $99.95 Tuesday 10:03 AM
2 weeks ago
SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada Ultimate Edition $144.95 Tuesday 10:03 AM
2 weeks ago